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How to Automate Your Processes With RevOps

How to Automate Your Processes With RevOps 

Revenue Operations (RevOps) is a framework that helps SaaS brands to streamline growth marketing, sales, and customer success through data. This approach facilitates revenue growth by improving the customer experience.

The challenge for companies is that they are lost on where to start, as RevOps is a new concept. For instance, you don’t know what kind of customer data you need to collect in a typical customer lifecycle.

Honestly, it is challenging, considering the complexity of optimizing revenue generation.

But don’t worry. A lot of those internal processes consist of repetitive tasks, and with the help of the right automation tools, you exceed your revenue goals.

Below, we have explained how you can collect relevant data, analyze it to integrate it with your process, and use it to improve the revenue of your SaaS brand.

RevOps Automation Benefits

Internal processes and business functions improve by leveraging automation in revenue operations in the following ways:

  1. Improve revenue. Automation lets you do more with fewer resources. For instance, with marketing automation, you can simultaneously nurture many leads to motivate them to take the next step in the customer journey.

  1. Reduce reliance on human labor. This will decrease or eliminate bottlenecks or dependencies within your team. For example, sales teams won’t be waiting for approval to implement a new strategy for increased revenue generation. 

  1. Embrace marketing innovations. RevOps teams can implement new operations processes quickly. For example, if the data shows that email automation is necessary, transitioning to it will be simple.

How To Embrace RevOps

Now let’s take a look at how marketing, sales, and customer success teams can use automation solutions to adopt RevOps.

Use it in Email Marketing

You can implement it in two ways:

  1. Automated emails. The right RevOps strategy will automate multiple processes by automating customer interactions. For instance, sending follow-up emails can be tedious if you are doing it manually.

  1. Targeted emails. Send the right message to the right audience. For instance, it doesn’t make sense for you to send the features of using Product A if a lead has signed up from a landing page featuring Product B.

It will help to use email automation platforms like HubSpot.

Source: HubSpot

Smarten Your Sales Calls

Sales reps are humans in the loop who carry out a crucial part of the sales process: making direct contact with the prospect by calling them.

This step is important as it helps you establish rapport with your potential customer and make the sales pipeline efficient. However, it can be challenging due to factors like the volume of calls or managing the details of each lead you are calling.

RevOps software like WhatConverts can help sales teams reach their leads on time with features like automated data entry and profile updates.

Source: WhatConverts

Take Up Task Tracking

Teams that follow agile methodologies must constantly adapt to changing conditions. It becomes even more challenging when there are multiple departments involved during processes like project management.

RevOps automation tools such as Zapier and Process Street help cross-functional teams complete their tasks within deadlines.

Source: Zapier

Automate Lead Scoring

One of the most tedious tasks that operations teams have is estimating the likelihood of a lead converting. If this step is not carried out properly, the sales team will not only spend a lot of resources but also will have a hard time closing deals.

As data comes from multiple sources, tools like Zoho CRM and Freshsales use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to forward the hot leads to sales.

Source: Zoho CRM

Use it in Customer Health Scoring

Customer health scoring is a technique to gauge and improve customer satisfaction so that they keep returning for more.

The challenge here is that this process will add more powerful tools to your tech stack that you need to spend time and labor on. Fortunately, ops teams can rely on process automation to make this step easier.

Need Help With RevOps? Try Matter Made

RevOps automation helps brands save resources such as time and labor by automating certain tasks through data. Operation teams can embrace it in their sales, marketing, and customer success process in the following ways:

  1. Nurture leads and market better to your existing customers by automating email marketing with the help of CRM tools.
  2. Call your leads with the relevant details at the right time to get to the deal stage faster through calling tools.
  3. Ensure all the team members are aware of tracking and capable of finishing their tasks through AI-powered task management tools.
  4. Collect information from various data sources so that you forward the qualified leads to sales.
  5. Track how happy your customers are, as customer retention is crucial for growing revenue.

To get the full benefits of RevOps for your company, you need an experienced team that can identify areas of improvement and build data-backed automated processes that drive efficiency. 

That’s where we come in.

Matter Made has unlocked the full potential of many brands through RevOps automation. Be it streamlining marketing and sales ops, building PLG sales funnels, managing multiple promotional campaigns, or building end-to-end pipelines — we have done it all.

Interested? Let’s talk.

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Demand Generation


How to Track the ROI on Your Growth Marketing Campaign

The Next&Co Digital Media Wastage Report shows that 41% of the average company's marketing budget is wasted, with wastage being the highest among ecommerce, retail, and finance companies. 

Calculating your Return On Investment (ROI) is perhaps the most important thing you can do to keep your growth marketing spending on track. Knowing your ROI will help you:

  • Make value-conscious choices
  • Prove the value of your marketing to leadership
  • Justify your marketing budget for next year 
  • Choose which marketing channels to invest in 

This article will show you how to calculate your growth marketing ROI step-by-step.

Step #1. Set Up Ways To Track Your Marketing Success

You can't calculate marketing ROI without knowing what "return" you are getting. So the first step is to set up ways to track your marketing successes. 

Common ways to monitor your digital marketing campaigns include:

  • Google Search Console. Google Search Console helps you monitor your website's performance in search results. 
  • UTM links. You can use UTM codes to track how your website visitors browse on Google Analytics. 
  • Facebook Pixel. Facebook Pixel will help you track conversions from Facebook ads.
  • Social media marketing analytics platforms. Platforms like Buffer Analyze, Sprout Social, Hootsuite, and Zoho Social can help you analyze your social media marketing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). 
  • Ecommerce analytics tools. Platforms like Hotjar, Kissmetrics, and Optimizely can help you analyze ecommerce KPIs. 
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools. CRM tools like HubSpot, Salesforce CRM, SAP CRM, and ZOHO CRM can help you analyze customer interactions.

It's best to set up these tools before you start publishing your marketing efforts.

Step #2. Gather Data

Next, sit back and start gathering data. It's best to monitor your marketing for several weeks or months if possible, as a longer data collection period will ensure your results aren't skewed by outliers.

Step #3. Calculate Your Marketing Costs

Then, calculate your costs. 

You'll need to take two types of costs into account:

  1. Direct costs

Direct costs are expenses that have a clear price tag and can be directly tied to your marketing and sales funnel. Marketing software, Paid-Per-Click (PPC) ad spending, equipment, marketing staff salaries, and freelancers are all direct costs. 

  1. Indirect costs

Indirect costs are expenses that aren't directly tied to your marketing but are still essential to make running the marketing department possible. Rent, electricity, and salaries from non-marketing staff (like receptionists or administrators) are all indirect costs. 

You may need to consult your accounting department to figure out your indirect costs. Once you have your figure, add it to your direct cost figure to get your total marketing spend. 

Step #4. Calculate Your Marking Returns

Now it's time to calculate your marketing returns, and there are several approaches you could take here. 

If you want to simplify things, you could take your entire net income figure for a given period and attribute 100% of it to marketing. 

Or, if you want to be more precise, you can go through your marketing channels one-by-one and calculate how much revenue your company earned as a result of it. This is easier with some channels than others. Some ad analytics, paid media, and referral marketing tools, for example, will help you calculate how much revenue your brand earned from ads. Sales from search engine marketing, social media marketing and content marketing, on the other hand, are harder to attribute. 

Whatever method you choose, you should finish this stage with a clear figure.

Step #5. Execute the ROI Formula 

The final step in measuring digital marketing ROI is executing the following ROI formula:

ROI = (marketing revenue - cost of marketing) / cost of marketing

For example, if your total revenue figure was $45,400 and your total marketing costs were $12,300, your ROI would be 2.69.

If your ROI figure doesn't look right, make sure you have only included marketing returns and costs from a single, clearly defined period (like quarter one or 2022, for example). A common mistake marketers make is including a year's worth of an expense rather than just the cost in a set period. 

Other KPIs to Watch with Growth Marketing 

  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) = average order value x purchase frequency rate x average customer lifetime
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) = (cost of sales - cost of marketing) / number of new customers acquired
  • Conversion rate = (total conversions / total visitors) x 100
  • Cost-Per-Click (CPC) = total amount spent / total clicks
  • Open Rate  = (number of emails opened / number of messages sent) x 100
  • Average Transaction Value (ALV) = total sales / number of transactions

Tracking other KPIs and presenting them alongside your marketing ROI can give the ROI figure more context. It can also help you explain fluctuations in your ROI across multiple periods. 

Calculating Marketing ROI, Growth Marketing, and Matter Made

Measuring marketing ROI will help you quantify your growth marketing efforts, build a strong PLG funnel, and analyze your digital marketing campaign efficiently. Naturally, knowing your marketing ROI can help your growth marketing strategy succeed long-term.

Want to embrace growth marketing but don't know where to start? Let's talk. 

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