The Ultimate Guide To A HubSpot Audit

If you clicked on this article, you likely need to perform a HubSpot audit. HubSpot users should perform a HubSpot audit regularly.

Doing so will help you:

  • Ensure you don't miss any sales or marketing opportunities
  • Resolve technical issues
  • Resolve issues with documents and files
  • Remove duplicate workflows, assets, and sequences
  • Ensure your business processes run smoothly

Need help performing an audit?

This guide will show you how to conduct a HubSpot audit step-by-step.

Contact & Company Cleanup

The first step is to scrub your contact and company lists.

As many team members regularly contribute to contact lists, it's common for lists to contain missing fields, incorrectly entered data, and outdated information.

The first step is to scrub your contact and company lists.

  • Leads that haven't been assigned to a salesperson
  • Leads that are incorrectly classified — like MQLs listed as SQLs
  • Old leads and unengaged contacts
  • Duplicate entries (tip: double check for organizations that have undergone mergers or been bought out)
  • Spelling mistakes or incorrectly formatted phone numbers, addresses, dates, or email addresses

Property Audit

The second step is to audit your used properties.

You can find your properties by selecting "Settings" and then "Properties." From here, you can export your properties or view them by scrolling down.
Start by deleting or archiving any unused or outdated properties. If you can't delete a property, it may be hooked to something (in which case, you'll need to delete the thing first).
Then, check each property one by one to ensure it is accurate and segmented correctly. If you find duplicate properties, ensure you transfer the data from one duplicate to another so that you don't use it.

Customer Persona Implementation

The third step is to check that your customer personas are still up to date and apply to your target audience.

Start by importing your contacts. Any contacts that are already in your database will be de-duplicated automatically.
Work your way through your list and tag each contact with the corresponding persona.
Then, check your personas manually. If they are outdated, upload new personas with fresh information for each customer segment. You might want to consult sales and marketing personnel for advice on updating your personas in line with current buyer characteristics.

Email Checkup

The fourth step is to check that your email assets are still current and up to date.

We also recommend checking your open and click-through rates during this step. Sustained drops in these metrics can indicate you need new marketing emails.

Workflow Audit

The fifth step is to ensure all workflows are set up and working properly.

Start by going to "Settings," then "Workflows," then "Export." This will give you a spreadsheet that contains the workflow names, date of creation, who created it, and details.
Work your way down the list and identify any workflows that were not set up properly or don't have an obvious use. Fix and remove these.

Lead Scoring
Implementation or Optimization

The sixth step is to check if your lead scoring system is working as intended.

To update your lead scoring criteria, go to "Settings," select "Properties," search for the score you want to update, and press "Property Name." Here, you'll see the "+ Add Criteria" button under both the "Positive" and "Negative" sections.

Update your criteria and adjust the scoring if needed.

Design Consistency

The seventh step is to ensure all your assets fall in line with your brand style guidelines.

Obtain a copy of your brand style guidelines, then work your way through the following assets manually:
While conducting your design audit, ensure you also take a moment to delete or archive any duplicate assets.

SEO Strategy

The eighth step is to audit your SEO strategy, including:

  • Meta descriptions
  • Meta titles
  • Alt-text
  • Plain text versions of your articles
  • Overall SEO health
One way to ensure consistency in the future is to set clear guidelines for sales and marketing staff to follow — guidelines like when to use primary and secondary keywords, how long titles, text, and descriptions should be, and formatting requirements.

Review Forms & CTAs

The ninth step is to audit your forms to ensure they are valuable additions to your marketing rather than sources of friction and confusion for leads.

When reviewing each form, check that the questions are clear, you are getting all the data you need, the forms are accurately cataloging data, and that your views, submission rates, and submission figures are meeting your expectations.

The final part of this step is to review your CTAs. Here are some things to look for:

  • CTAs that no longer match your branding
  • CTAs with low conversion rates
  • CTAs for old or discontinued offerings
  • CTAs that are unclear or unpersuasive

Archive Unused Assets

The tenth and final step is to archive any assets that are outdated, retired, or unused.

And that's it. You've completed your HubSpot Audit.

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