Episode Outline
[01:26] Getting back to the new normal
[05:33] Amy’s advice to her younger self
[13:19] Shifting perspectives
[16:00] How does Amy stay fresh?
[20:43] Amy’s influential people
Amy’s Inspirations
Eric Lee
Tim Connors
Connect with Amy
[00:40] How Michael went from 200K to 6M in ARR at Namely
[03:26] The most challenging aspect of Michael’s first 6 months at Namely
[04:55] The most important actions to take in developing a pricing strategy
[07:54] The moment when Namely’s revenue motion and ICP fell into place
[09:30] What Michael learned from the impressive board he worked with at Namely
[11:24] Preconceptions Michael had and what he learned after experience
[15:14] What got Michael excited about working with Orculus
[16:58] Michael’s professional goals for the next 12 months
[19:00] How Michael unplugs and recharges